Understanding Arthritis

Understanding Arthritis

Posted by InvigoFlex® on 15th Dec 2021

“Arthritis” is one of those words that we hear all the time but may not fully understand. Contrary to common belief, it isn’t just normal wear and tear on our joints, nor is it an automatic part of growing older. Part of the confusion may be due to the fact that arthritis isn’t a single disease or condition; the word is actually more of an umbrella term, covering a range of conditions affecting joints. In fact, there are more than 100 types of arthritis or conditions related to it. Arthritis can affect anyone, regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity, though it tends to be more common in women and experienced more frequently in older age.

In general, arthritis refers to the swelling and tenderness, pain, or discomfort in one or more joints. Of course, joints are found all over our bodies, which means that arthritis can develop just about anywhere. However, the most common areas include the hands, wrists, shoulders, elbows, knees, ankles, and feet.

There are different causes of arthritis, depending on what kind develops. The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

In osteoarthritis, cartilage breaks down. Since cartilage is the slippery, hard tissue that covers the ends of bones where they meet, this breakdown and reduction of cartilage means that bones end up grinding against each other, rather than painlessly gliding and sliding near each other. This bone-on-bone friction can cause tremendous pain and discomfort, as well as swelling.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), on the other hand, is actually an autoimmune disorder. This means that the body mistakenly attacks itself, turning your immune system against you. As a result, damage from RA can actually affect more than the joints, extending to the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Where the joints are concerned, damage is typically done to their lining, called the synovial membrane. When this occurs, the membrane thickens and becomes inflamed, leading to the build up of fluids around the joint which promotes the erosion of the joint.

Fortunately, there are a number of steps you can take to help manage the painful symptoms of arthritis. Some common and effective approaches include exercise

Although you might think that exercise would be too painful for those living with arthritis, it’s actually a vital part of self-care. In fact, regular joint-friendly exercise can lead to less pain, greater flexibility, more energy, and better sleep. The key here is making sure that the exercise is not hard on the joints. Range-of-motion exercises, walking, bicycling, and swimming are all appropriate and can help reduce symptoms of arthritis. However, before starting any of these, it’s a good idea to speak with a doctor to find out what is best for you.

Today, there are many different nutritional supplements on the market that help with general joint health. It is important to stress that dietary supplements are NOT meant for arthritis sufferers and those suffering for joint diseases. Nutritional supplement are beneficial when helping to support healthy joints but there are limitations.  

Living with arthritis can be challenging, but there are numerous strategies available to help make it easier. With proper and routine care along with speaking with your doctor, it can be successfully managed, allowing you to lead a healthy, active life.

Disclaimer: This information is meant to be used for educational purposes. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. These ingredients and InvigoFlex is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

As with any medical information on health, it is always best to check with your personal physician who knows your medical history best since they are more qualified in giving you the best recommendation. Our information, advice or recommendation is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have.



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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.